Rosh Hashana 2022

A Year of Continued Strength and Progress

A Rosh Hashana New Year Message from IDB Bank President & CEO Ziv Biron

Shana Tovah!

On behalf of all of us at IDB, I would like to wish you and your loved ones health, happiness and prosperity this Rosh Hashana.

As the largest Israeli Bank in the United States, the Jewish New Year is a special time for us, our clients, partners  and  communities,  as  we  reflect  on  what  we  have  accomplished  and  look  to an  exciting  future ahead.

In the spirit of the holiday, I am pleased to share that It has been, and continues to be, a truly tremendous year  for  our  organization.  Despite  growing  uncertainty  across  our  financial  ecosystem,  IDB  remains institutionally sound, committed to the growing and diverse needs of our clients and poised for continued and meaningful growth.

We have achieved many important milestones this year as we strive to improve our customer experience and  enhance  our  value  proposition. I  am  proud  to  say  that  we have launched  our  dynamic  website, integrated  new  core  banking  technology  and  continue  to  grow  our  high-tech  and  wealth  management divisions, empowered  by  our  personal  banking  relationships  and  unwavering  vision  to  bring  forward  the next generation of financial solutions.

As we further our vision to execute against our long-term growth strategy, we remain committed to corporate social  responsibility and the  worthy  causes  that  mean  most  to you. Many  of  our  clients  are  community leaders,  organizers,  change makers  and  advocates  for  some  of  the  most impactful initiatives in  our communities. You inspire us and we are proud to celebrate your work. This year, we have worked closely with notable organizations including the Ramaz School, Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces, Iranian American Jewish Foundation, Israeli American Council, Jewish Community Center and  the  Sephardic  Community  Center.  Through  these  partnerships,  we  have provided critical funding and resources to further important philanthropic work. I would personally like to thank our IDB Bank colleagues  who  continue  to  champion  these  relationships  and  the many  more  we  have  built across our regions of operation. Our network of community partners will continue to be an important part of IDB Bank for many years to come. 

Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued trust and valued partnership. You are the essence of our being and the source of our success.

Thank you and Shana Tova,

Ziv Biron

President and CEO, IDB Bank